Calacas Celebrity Lawyer Quiz Time!

Not everything is rotten about SanTana, and one of my favorite parts of the city is Calacas, the Chicano curio shop run by husband-and-wife team Jackie and Rudy Cordova. Not only are they involved in the community (as kid-soccer parents, as organizers for the city's massive Día de los Muertos event), not only do they host a bi-weekly bike ride where hipsters, wabs, kiddies and grannies bike alongside each other around town (show up tonight at 5:30 pm!), but they're also very nice people, period.

They've been in downtown SanTana for a little less than a year now, in a space across the street from the Ronald Reagan Federal Courthouse. As a result, they see quite a few interesting people and are privy to the media circus that happens outside–this was my stakeout when disgraced adulterous ex-sheriff Mike Carona was convicted of a felony.

Speaking of miscarriages of justice, that leads us to our quiz, for a $20 gift certificate to the shop:


Which celebrity lawyer visited Calacas about a month ago and bought some items? The only clue I can give right now is that the lawyer has been out of the media spotlight for quite some time, but is a name that all Southern Californians will know. First person to guess correctly wins the prize. One name per guess, and no Weeklings or friends of Calacas that I know (I'm looking at you, Ben) allowed.

Now: start guessing!

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