Caifanes Guitarist Mentions “ChicoChella” Madness!

Remember when some Internet babosos tried to joke around and blame Mexis for the six-day sell-out of Coachella? Well, they would be right on target if the three-day event this weekend was actually ChicoChella. The Mexico House put out a hilarious flier months ago for the fake ChicoChella festival featuring headlining acts such as Chico Che y la Crisis. The Los Angeles-based production company is actually better known for their videos, so it's only fitting for them to have made a companion ChicoChella promo as well. Check it out after the jump!


The madness of the juxtaposition of the funny flier and the not-so-funny “blame the Mexis” pendejadas in my blog post somehow made it all the way to the attention of Caifanes band members themselves! First, in OC Weekly Editor Ted Kissell's interview with Saúl Hernández for a cover story on the reunion, the lead singer acknowledges hearing the rumors as to why Coachella was depleted of passes in record time. “People are saying that it's the Mexicans' fault!” Hernández was quoted as having said with a laugh. Second, toward the end of the following Spanish-language interview with guitarist Alejandro Marcovich, the musician also makes mention of that conspiracy theory as well as the ChicoChella flier.

Marcovich never says the words “OC Weekly,” and the story itself was picked up and disseminated through Colorlines (with a shout out, and finally updated with a link!) so who knows exactly how the news traveled to the band mates. All that can be said is that the flier and the “controversy” were first put together in one place and one place only–the Heard Mentality blog!

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