Two Pakistani males who unwittingly tried to sell 335.6 grams of methamphetamine for $12,000 in the Brea Mall parking lot to two confidential, government informants have both now been sentenced for their 2010 crime.
This week, Guilford punished Mohammad Hashir Masud, Saeed's partner in crime, with a term of 37 months in a federal prison.
Upon his return to society, Masud must undergo supervised probation for five years.
Guilford, who sealed numerous documents from public view during the length of the case, gave Masud, who was born in 1983, until noon on July 5 to surrender to prison officials.
U.S. Bureau of Prison records show that Saeed is in custody and “in transit” to a federal prison.
Saeed and Masud plotted their drug deal with individuals who secretly worked as informants for special agents at the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, according to case records.
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CNN-featured investigative reporter R. Scott Moxley has won Journalist of the Year honors at the Los Angeles Press Club; been named Distinguished Journalist of the Year by the LA Society of Professional Journalists; obtained one of the last exclusive prison interviews with Charles Manson disciple Susan Atkins; won inclusion in Jeffrey Toobin’s The Best American Crime Reporting for his coverage of a white supremacist’s senseless murder of a beloved Vietnamese refugee; launched multi-year probes that resulted in the FBI arrests and convictions of the top three ranking members of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department; and gained praise from New York Times Magazine writers for his “herculean job” exposing entrenched Southern California law enforcement corruption.
Woah got to learn of this man from the grapevine of billing industry first hand seemed like a give it a shot kinda dude heard he married a doc in TX for $$$ once a criminal always a criminal. Thnx for the article almost did business deal with this man. Thank God for Google search
2 years ago, we received a lengthy letter to remove this article. Requesting that this person has changed and that this article leads to future defame and causes this person to have trauma for his family and his future life.
Reading the letter brought tears to the core of my soul as a journalist i’m not a fast tearjerker but it made me want to meet the person who wrote that.
I came to the conclusion that the person who probably sent me that is rest assured a victim of this mall man masud who has no idea that Mr. Hashir Masud is probably preying on a emapthatic soul who sent the letter.
The letter would have made any human with a soul want to remove this article but by the end of the letter, the realization was the person writing was probably 1: 1 billion kind of god’s creation who had no idea what this man must really be.
Reserarched into publishing articles is a requirement takes intensive information and work . This man deserved to be behind bars . He is a hazard to humanity.
To the angel who wrote that letter, I hope you see this criminals public Docket and LEAVE . Guilty with no soul. Revisit this article once again and read Mr. Bryan’s remarks above.
Your letter lady, would have moved mountains but in 26 years of frontline journalism. I knew the person writing, and defending will either be left dead by this human or being used by meth man Masud.
God Bless. Stay safe!
This SOB Got a girl pregnant and made her abort her baby!!!!!!!!! and then went on to get married only to
F up his wife’s life. This filthy man is going to burn in hell. Disgusting. Just a insecure worthless man
I feel so sorry for his folks to have given birth to him. Karma!!! you just wait Hashir Masud it’s right around the corner for you don’t know whose prayer saved you for so long but God’s wrath is coming for you piece of shit. This man thinks he got away with so much just wait and watch probably 41 years old die alone!
Can you please get intouch with me? I am abt to get married to Hashir and I would want to know what happened
Reply to the anonymous post above:-
Are you the girl in Dallas or are you from New York?
If you are the one in NY, i will find you somehow on social media and message you
All I can say to the post above whether you are the girl from NY or Texas is dont get married to Hashir till you find everything
I don’t know who the above ppl are but I do know Hashir Masud and His Ex Wife. PLEASE DO NOT MARRY HIM. Please, reach out to his ex-wife who is actually such a nice woman, Whom I personally know
Ask her why she divorced him ask her all the questions and if your heart still tells you to marry him then do it and destroy your life. He financially exhausted her, Used her, this is what he does. He was also married in Pakistan this man will never be able to travel anywhere in the world.
Even if you are the most desperate woman on the planet, please do not marry him and destroy your life. His wife is doing so much better. She has a great life ahead of her. He is charming because he’s a liar if you are the girl in New York or wherever else he has girlfriends. Save yourself. I live in Virginia I don’t even live in Texas anymore and no things about him in my state.
To all the girls out there, I stumbled upon this article today, shocked by the comments from strangers. This guy, who I saw recently at a restaurant, is a despicable narcissist. He’s left a trail of destruction in Dallas and beyond.
The girl he’s marrying might be from New York, as the Dallas girl he was messing with wisely left him. She was his lifeline, his ladder to success, but he’s unworthy of her. She poured her prayers, her family’s support, and her own respect into him, hiding his true nature from the world.
But she’s moved on, stopped praying for him. But I still wish for his suffering, and I echo those sentiments in my prayers. I hope he feels the weight of his sins every day, that he’s haunted by the lives he’s ruined.
He absolutely cheated on his wife during his marriage. He hooked up with girls after his marriage, and he was planning on marrying a girl in Dallas, which happened to be, my friend, and he lied all through years and years she was his climbing ladder to success.
This man is a professional liar, using people for his gain without a shred of remorse. I hope those who know him, including his family, wake up to the truth. He’s made money off others’ backs, then used it to perpetuate his cycle of destruction.
He’s a danger to society, deserving of punishment. I thank whatever higher power there may be for freeing my friend from him. I hope he’s tormented by the memory of what he’s done every time he closes his eyes.
I’m grateful I found this article, a testament to the truth. I pray for the safety and happiness of all the women he’s hurt. And to him, I say: your karma awaits, and it will be merciless.
Your days of deceit are numbered, and I vow to expose you whenever. You’ll not find solace in your ill-gotten wealth; it’ll crumble, just as your life will. May every prayer uttered against you come to pass, and may justice finally catch up to you.
Hashir Masud Aka Malik, I’m sure you will remember her and me all your life.