Bill Clinton to Stress “Patients” in OC

Bill Clinton is reportedly returning to Orange County Monday, when he won't be stumping for a candidate but organizers of a nonprofit summit aimed at seeking ways to increase patient safety and decrease costs. Bubba last darkened our collective doorstep in October, when he appeared at a
packed UC Irvine venue on behalf of local
Democratic candidates–some of whom actually went on to win their races
in November. As Jack Palance used to say, “Believe it or not.”

SLIDESHOW: Bill Clinton at UC Irvine

The two-day Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit, which costs $500 to attend, lists Clinton as the keynoter on the Speakers page of its website. (I actually saw Marty Wisckol report this first for the Orange County Register.)
According to the nonprofit, “We will focus on three addressable challenges that are within our power to solve now:
Failure to Rescue; Medical Errors; and Overuse of Red Blood Cell Transfusions.
Solving each of these problems requires committed collaboration to connect the dots.”

Like spots on a blue dress.

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