As Orange County Register Denies Climate Change, Media Matters for America Burns

We here at the World Weekly HQ have our platters full when it comes to passing along racism, immigrant bashing and let-them-eat-caking in the pages (virtual and otherwise) of the Orange County Register. So, it's been up to Media Matters for America, a progressive national watchdog, to chronicle the Santa Ana daily's robust denials of climate change.

Talk about full platters, check out this Media Matters coverage from just the past two weeks!

June 25: “Six Facts That Undermine The Orange County Register's Attacks on California Clean Energy Initiatives,” which argues the Reg has published numerous editorials falsely portraying the Golden State's pollution reduction program as costly, ineffective and arbitrarily imposed by state regulators when it's actually part of a bipartisan law expected to benefit our economy.

June 26:Mark Landsbaum: OC Register's Resident Climate Science Denier,” which introduces a burning nation to the climate-change contrarian who has been bashing fact-based science and cap-and-trade proposals since 2008.

July 6: OC Register's Science Editor Acknowledges Global Warming In Break From Editorial Board,” which reveals science editor Pat Brennan–or “Dirty Hippie” as he is known around the Reggie newsroom–used scientific facts to draw a connection between global warming and recent record heat and wildfires in the Midwest and East Coast.

Hey, go ahead and knock Orange County's paper of record around the block ('cause our legs are tired), but give the Grand Avenue crowd credit for knowing its audience. Audience members like Dana Point reader Larry Hamlin, who wrote a frothing letter complaining about Associated Press science writer Seth Borenstein's piece “The U.S. Summer is 'What Global Warming Looks Like.'” (A Register editor on the graveyard shift must've nodded off and accidentally face-planted into the reprint key.)

“The article . . . is pure climate-fear propaganda,” Hamlin fumes. “Climate alarmists are so desperate to find
ways to try to alarm the public that they now simply cherry-pick
natural patterns of weather variations and offer conjecture that global
warming is to blame.”

Mark Landsbaum, we found your love match.

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