Another University Gets Schooled on Lady Gaga

Remember when we told you about the University of Virginia's Graduate Studies program that had a class on Lady Gaga?  It seems that now the University of South Carolina is also offering a course on the pop star called “Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame.”

Mathieu Deflem, a sociology professor who designed the course, is a
huge Lady Gaga fan; he's been to 28 Lady Gaga's concerts and built her a
fan site, Deflem usually teaches criminology, policing and the sociology of law.

According to,

“I first saw her on television in January of 2009, at a time when I had
never heard of her at all. She did a live performance of 'Just Dance'
and I was immediately excited by it. I thought it had a great sound and I
just looked at it a little bit more,” said Deflem.

The Gaga class will examine her fame and its social relevancy.

“Realize that although it is a fun topic, it's a popular culture topic,
that the way I approach it in the class is very scholarly and is very
distinctly sociological,” said Deflem.

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