Anaheim Holds DUI Checkpoint at Undisclosed Spot

Anaheim holds a sobriety checkpoint from 8 p.m. Saturday to 2:30 a.m. Sunday.

The location: beats us.

That's because the department is not telling. Cops want to surprise you like it's your birthday. But, if you've been celebrating beforehand with daddy's medicine, it probably isn't a good idea to go driving around looking for it.

“The Department is continuing its ongoing campaign to reduce the number of persons killed and injured in alcohol-involved crashes,” reads a checkpoint announcement. “DUI checkpoints are conducted to identify offenders and get them off the street, as well as bring awareness to our community of the dangers of impaired driving.”

Calling checkpoints “a proven effective method to lower” drunken driving deaths, the department will have its assigned officers checking each motorist passing through for signs of being tipsy, as well as making sure drivers are licensed.

Funding to make the magic happen is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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