American Third Position Party Treasurer Pleads Guilty to Two Misdemeanors

When I first wrote about the American Third Position Party–that collection of convicts, white supremacists, wimpy professors, and other assorted pendejos that want to deport all immigrants and don't care much for gays and coloreds, either–I noted that its treasurer, Sean Vaxmonsky, was a fugitive wanted for failure to appear before a judge. Not any more: Vaxmonsky manned up and appeared in Orange County Superior Court on March 2nd to plead guilty for driving without a valid driver's license and failure to appear in court–both misdemeanors.

Vaxmonsky and the American TP want people to believe whites are now “underdogs”–that the system is stacked against them, that whites no longer have a chance in this country. So what was the punishment Vaxmonsky–who has previously pleaded guilty to misdemeanors for DUI, purchasing alcohol as a minor, AND robbery–received for breaking and evading the law? $150 in fines, and no jail or probation. If it was a wab or some Asian guy with Vaxmonsky's rap sheet, guaranteed they'd be shipped off to Chino for a looooong time–REAL ZOG conspiracy out there against valiant Whites, Sean, you Institute for Historical Review-interning chap, you!

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