American, Mexican Beermakers Fight Over Mexican Livers in the United States

It's no big secret that beer companies have long targeted Latinos in the United States to drink their swill, going as far as to turning an obscure Mexican holiday into the Cinco de Drink bacchanal we celebrate every May 5. Beer-company logos now decorate everything from booth banners at Mexican Independence Day celebrations to billboards at soccer games–and American brewers still want to further penetrate the market.

But Mexican beer companies won't go down without a fight.

An article yesterday in Advertising Age spells out the brewing battle between American companies who know Mexicans like to show everyone they're assimilated by downing case after case of Bud and Coors, and importers who try to play to their sense of mexicanidad by urging them to stick with Tecate, Victoria, and all the other brands offered at Señor Frog's. But those importers are also beginning to make their first overtures to gabacho drinkers: Tecate, for instance, long the domain of alcoholic tíos, is preparing its first English-language ad. Corona, meanwhile, long the domain of Bro-Mex, is doing the opposite: trying to convince Mexicans to drink their booze. Imagine that!

Okay, craft brewers: don't let big boys dominate those wab dollars, which will only grow as the Reconquista continues…

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