We put up late word about weekend operations around the county aimed at nabbing drunk or drugged drivers, but one such place that did not participate was Huntington Beach, where–as one police captain put it–“Sometimes they are easy to find.”
Officers were dispatched to Huntington Beach City Beach Tower 4, where they came upon a sedan stuck in the sand and a man determined to be under the influence, according to Surf City Police Lt. Steve Bushhousen.
James Demongen, 27, of Lomita, was booked on suspicion of drunken driving, Bushhousen added.
The incident produced a tweet on @HBCityBeach: “This vehicle got a little lost this evening. @HBPD_PIO on scene to chat with the driver.”
But the line of the night came from that PIO:
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OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.