OC neocons might want to start stockpiling food and ammunition: the respected-everywhere-in-the-world-except-the-US Al Jazeera has weighed in on Occupy Orange County–and it says the movement's alright!
The opinion piece appeared on their website, though we should mention it was written by UCI professor Mark Levine. Levine was profiled in conservative author David Horowitz's 2006 book, The 101 most dangerous Academics in America, and came in at a respectable 44.
The article's simpler observations refer to Irvine as an unlikely locale for tenacious civic activism due in part to its suburban environs. But Levine mentions the significance of cavalcades of Mercedes, Beamers and Lexii driving past protesters holding signs and slowing to honk in support.
Though Levine notes OC's contingent of the Occupy movement is not yet on a par with the activists of Tahrir Square, he adds, “sitting on the sidewalk, sometimes past midnight on day four, eating hummus and pita, strumming a guitar and talking politics with fellow occupiers, there was at least a hint of the tremendous feeling of empowerment and solidarity felt in Tahrir during those heady last 10 days of the February intifada.”