Accused Murderer, Attempted Murderer, and Penis-Chopper Escape OC Jail

As of this writing, law enforcement across Southern California are looking for the above men, who escaped out of Orange County Jail at some point on Friday after cutting through steel bars, getting into a plumbing tunnel, getting to the jailhouse roof, evading barbed wire, then roping their way down four stories and making a run for it.

And how was your Friday afternoon?

And the suspects aren’t some wacky youngsters busting out of jail for shits and giggles. Bac Tien Duong, 43, is charged with five felonies, including attempted murder; Jonathan Tieu, 20, is charged with murder. Yet the scariest in the bunch just might be 37-year-old Hossein Nayeri. In a case we covered in 2014, he’s accused of being in a group of assailants who kidnapped a man, chopped off his penis, then poured bleach on him and left him in the desert to die—and kept the victim’s penis.

Maybe jailhouse deputies should stop treating snitches so nicely and do their job, amiright?

Anyone with any information on the escapees are urged to call the Orange County Sheriff’s Department at (714) 628-7085 or submit a tip to CrimeStoppers at (855) 847-6227.

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