A Very Special Breakdown of 46th Congressional District Candidates

Orange County Public Affairs Association today presents a noon-time debate featuring Republican and Democratic candidates for the 46th Congressional District seat being abandoned by Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove), who hopes to become a U.S. senator from California.

The 11:30 a.m. reception and noon lunch at Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, is sponsored by developer/mall operator CJ Segerstrom & Sons and the Orange County Business Council.

Scheduled to attend are these Democrats: former State Senator Lou Correa, former State Senator Joe Dunn and Mayor of Garden Grove Bao Nguyen. The GOP hopefuls are Irvine City Councilwoman Lynn Schott and Orange County Sheriff’s Commander Bob Peterson.

Those mostly familiar names got us wondering how many times OC Weekly has mentioned each in articles. Here is the breakdown:

Correa: 162
Dunn: 105
Nguyen: 61
Schott: 13
Peterson: 10*

(*But nine of those were for the Disney Pixar Films director.)

Ah, but being mentioned in the Weekly is not always a good thing. Just ask certain OC politicians and dirty ex-sheriffs (and make sure to mention the name “Moxley” to really see them blow their tops).

The … um … aggressive coverage in the Weekly is contrasted by the sunshiny daily reporting of the Orange County Register. So, as a public service, the following candidates are presented with their respective worst Weekly headline and best Register headline*.

(*Or at least the best until I got sick of looking for even better ones.)

Lou Correa
Weekly: Carona’s Dirty But is Lou Correa Retarded?
RegisterCongressional candidate Lou Correa credited with rescuing seven from Santa Ana fire

Joe Dunn
Weekly: Joe Dunn, Ex-Orange County State Senator, Fired From California State Bar
RegisterSenator Dunn, Local Resident Honored by National Health Program

Bao Nguyen
Weekly: Garden Grove Police Union: Mayor Bao Nguyen a Drunk, OC Weekly Liars
RegisterLunar New Year: Garden Grove Mayor Bao Nguyen among Asian-American movers and shakers who make a difference in their communities

Lynn Schott
Weekly: none*
(*Nothing negative; only mentioned in passing in stories about the fall of Larry Agran.)
Register: County’s GOP Women Lead Charge

Bob Peterson
Weekly: nada*
(*To be honest, this is the first I’ve heard of him, which is more of a knock against me than him.)
RegisterO.C. candidates wary of siding with Trump or Cruz


The moderator is former Tustin Mayor and City Councilman Jerry Amante, who the Weekly has mentioned 10 times, including this one:

Obnoxious Blowhard Mayor To Be Served with Recall Papers

Gotta love the classics!

It’s $55 to $60 to get into today’s event, with Pacific Club members paying the lower fee as membership really does have its privileges, which in this case represents a savings of five bucks. RSVP at 1.888.246.7424 or email  



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