I didn't think it would happen, but it finally did: the back-and-forth between Catholic sex-abuse survivor advocates and a bunch of idiots posted yesterday is now the most-commented story in Navel Gazing history, beating Scott Moxley's news of Carona's indictment. Congrats, wackies!
In better news, we finally have an entrant in our Mater Dei High School apologist contest: the anonymous commentator who calls himself “Annoyed” sent the Weekly a copy of angry letters he (she?) sent to Diocese of Orange Bishop Tod D. Brown and Mater Dei officials regarding the sex-abuse scandal. Per Annoyed's request, we won't publish the contents of their letter. Gracias, Annoyed, for being a good Monarch–you're one of four we know. Now howzabout telling your fellow alumni to follow your lead?