Behold the beginning of our annual 100 Favorite Dishes countdown! Every day until the publication of our fantabulous Best Of Issue, we'll list our favorite meals this year in descending order. Enjoy, pass it on, and tune in daily!
I reviewed Willowick Golf Course's clubhouse restaurant just last month, so forgive me as I rip meself off for this one when it comes to one of their daily specials: the pancake sandwich.
Yeah, this is simple food. But it's a place that brought back my pal from the grips of stage-four cancer, a man we know as the Butcher because he has practiced the craft for 35 years. He loves hipster food, knows his Jason Quinns from Carlos Salgados. But this is where the Butcher is at peace, complementing a changing city and fearing what will happen to his beloved Willowick: If it's good enough for him, it's great for the rest of us. In the meanwhile, all we can do is grub and drink–and you should, too, while you can.
The List:
99. Tahdig at Tanor Fresh Mediterranean Grill
100. Quatro Formaggi Panini at Old Vine Cafe
Email: ga*******@oc******.com. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.
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