5 Things to Do with Pancake Mix When You Realize Pancakes Are Horrible

I've been pretty vocal about about my disdain for pancakes for awhile now (Need a refresher? Check out my 2013 list of the five most overrated foods), but that doesn't mean I still have a container of pancake mix laying around my kitchen somewhere. Really, it just means that container is kind of old.

If you're also turned off the worst breakfast starch ever (seriously, crepes, waffles, and even toast is better), but don't want to waste a bunch of food like me, check out this video of five other things you can do with pancake mix. Now, most of the preparations rely on the fact that “pancake” mix, is basically just a standard mix of flour, a leavening agent, oil, and dried eggs with some sugar added, but hey, it's better than just throwing it out.

Hilariously, the tastiest looking preparation is a type of pancakes. Maybe I should stop hating..


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You can also follow Charles Lam on Twitter @charlesnlam and Instagram @charlesnlam. He's less sardonic there, we swear.

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