I've never drunk 1800 Tequila, can't stand those smarmy ads with Michael Imperioli, and really have no intention of ever bothering with it, given I'm a Corralejo man. And Arrogant Bastard Ale? Don't drink beer, so no clue about it.
But I feel sorry for the companies today, because a news story by Orange County Register crime reporter Larry Welborn leads with the tidbit that the drunken stepbrothers who were in the car that ended the life of Anaheim Angels pitcher Nick Adenhart and two others last year began their night of death with a shot of 1800, and ended with Arrogant Bastard.
According to grand jury transcripts obtained by Wellborn, Raymond Rivera testified that a day of drinking between him and stepbrother Andrew Thomas Gallo took a turn for the crazy when each downed a shot of 1800 Tequila. More drinking continued through the night, until Gallo finally realized maybe they shouldn't drink so much when Rivera ordered a round of Arrogant Bastard, which Welborn describes as “a harsh brew” (I'll let Dave handle that critique). Nevertheless, the two continued their binge, ending with Gallo behind the wheel at the intersection of Orangethorpe Avenue and Lemon Street in Anaheim (though virtually surrounded by Fullerton) as he crashed into a car carrying Adenhart and his friends.
Of course: blame the Mexican drink for your stupid decision to start driving drunk, pendejos…but the Arrogant Bastard jibe? From what I know, the ale is a brew for classy folks–shouldn't your ilk have stayed with Coors?