13 Fun Facts About Sleep (or Lack Thereof)

Anna's Linens, the Costa Mesa-based bedding and home furnishings company, has a research department that does more than figure out new ways to separate you from your money.

The retailer is crowing about a national study whose release is meant to
coincide with “National Sleep Day,” which is apparently next Thursday,
Jan. 3, which we've condensed into the following list of 13 fun facts:

74 percent wear pajamas to bed, vs. 8 percent who sleep naked. (No mention of the .04 percent wearing suits of armor at Kennedy compound sleepovers.)

74 percent sleep on their sides (and, no, don't know if those are the same 74 percent in jammies).

16 percent sleep on their stomachs.

10 percent sleep on their backs.

47 percent share the bed with someone who snores, but . . .

63 percent of those who shared a bed with someone do not believe they would sleep better alone.

65 percent get a restful night's sleep three nights a week.

10 percent get a restful night's sleep every night (lucky bucks).

More than half recall less than a half of their dreams from the night before.

10 percent recall nearly all of their dreams.

77 percent found that of their own dreams they do remember, their friends' dreams are more interesting.

As for the nature of their dreams, 44 percent thought their own were more bizarre than their friends.

Sunday is the least restful night for sleep, followed by Monday, while Friday is the most restful night, followed by Saturday.

Anna's Linens claims the research helps the company know how to market its products, like suggesting 100 percent Egyptian cotton sheets for those who sleep naked.

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