Orange County's Dirty, Philandering, Christian Ex-Sheriff Mike Carona is Home from Prison

With apologies to Larry King, America's Incarcerated Sheriff has been released from federal prison. Mike Carona, the former Orange County lawman the veteran broadcaster dubbed “America's Sheriff” after appearing on King's longtime CNN show to call out a child murderer, is now back home after serving 52 months of a 66-month sentence for felony witness …

2013 Bob Dornan Scary OC Hall of Fame Inductee: Dana Rohrabacher!

To coincide with our annual OC Scariest People issue, behold the 2012 entry into the Bob Dornan Scary OC Hall of fame…Huntington Beach Congressman Dana Rohrabacher! A passing of the Bob Dornan Scary OC Hall of Fame happened earlier this month, when longtime Congressman Dana Rohrabacher spoke at the funeral of arch-witch Barbara Coe, who …