Christian Isaiah Barnes, Disneyland Cast Member Held in Dry-Ice Blasts, Ordered Freed

Over the objections of the prosecutor, a judge in Fullerton ordered the release of a worker who'd been held in connection with two dry-ice bomb explosions at Disneyland last month.

Christian Isaiah Barnes, 22, of Long Beach, was released on his own recognizance Thursday.


Deputy District Attorney Andrew Katz opposed cutting Barnes loose over public safety concerns given the lack of information about the defendant. (Like, we'd assume, his motives.)

But the judge, who'd previously lowered Barnes' bail from $500,000 to $50,000, indicated the jurist did not believe there was malicious intent behind two water bottles being filled with dry ice before they blew in busy Toontown on May 28.

The area was evacuated, but no injuries were reported.

Barnes, a beverage cart cast member who has pleaded not guilty to possession of a destructive device in a public place, is due back in court July 17.



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