At Home with the Ortizes: Jenna Jameson and Tito Ortiz's Custody War Spreads to YouTube

Have you wondered what the hell life was like for then-retired porn star Jenna Jameson, then-un-retired UFC legend Tito Ortiz and their twin boys in their Huntington Harbour home?

Thanks to Dave Delino, you get a peak on the next page, although Jameson–who is estranged from and in a very nasty, very public custody battle with Ortiz–claims Delino is really her ex-, shaming her via surveillance video from the pad posted Friday evening on YouTube.


The video begins in total darkness, and then toggles back and forth between scenes of Ortiz performing parental duties with his boys Jesse and Journey and Jameson taking swigs from bottles while holed up in her messy bedroom.

Delino (if there really is a Delino) writes in the description for the video that had more than 287,000 views as of Monday afternoon:

Jenna Jameson drinking, taking pills and smashing cameras. All in front of her boys. These are some of the reason why Tito Ortiz has full custody of those boys.

It does appear Jameson is drinking from a wine bottle, including one that seems to be hidden behind her nightstand. But she told Radar Online, “That was actually Pellegrino, isn't that funny? It's Pellegrino.” And it wasn't hidden, she swore in her “tearful phone interview,” but placed next to her bed for easy access.

Jameson also said she did not know the cameras were there, wondered aloud if taping her without her knowledge in her home was illegal and mentioned she ultimately “smashed them.” She would go on to allege the “Bad Boy of Huntington Beach:”

  • Had the video footage “incredibly edited” to make it appear he was always with the boys when, because he trained in Big Bear for fights during the first four years of their lives, “I took care of those children. He was never there. Never.”
  • Wrongly accuses her of drug abuse, “[b]ut he needs rehab.”
  • Took her money, cars and home, forcing her to start over with nothing. “… I went out and I work and I'm making my money. I just bought my brand new car, I have my brand new house coming next week and I will have my children and it will only be probably a couple weeks, because the only person that's taking care of those children is the nanny.”
  • Cheated on her during their eight-year relationship. “.. I do my very best to be kind to him but it's really starting to get to me because he's starting to post pictures of the woman that he … she was his mistress while we were together for eight years, and now she's living in my home.”

Tito and Jenna have been keeping this battle going in print, on MMA/gossip sites and, mostly, via Twitter (especially Jameson). So it's nice to see they are at least spreading the love (hate) via a new source, YouTube.



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