Maraska Pelinkovac, Our Drink of the Week!

Every time I visit Hi-Time Wine Cellar, I always make sure to buy a different liqueur. I've had raki from Turkey, Mexican anise nectar, some weird-ass Greek shit, and enough amaro to shout “Vaffanculo!” with authority. They all do invigorating wonders to me, the perfect nightcap for a day of boozing or to make sure a big meal settles correctly instead of remaining in my gut for days…wait, is this mic on?

Buying liqueurs instead of straightforward booze is also a great way to travel the world. Right now, I'm resting easy with pelinkovac, a wormwood-based liqueur popular in the Slavic countries. I discovered the Maraska label in Hi-Times extensive liqueur department, its tall, slender bottle and illustration of a cute-ass Croatian chick grabbing my attention. But would Maraska be as transcendent as Fernet Branca, or little better than motor oil like Jäggermeister. Only one way to find out.


The stuff is STRONG–makes Jagger seem like lemonade, and Fernet as bold as water. It starts with a sweet dash that sinks into a den of bitterness, slowly draining through every capillary through your body and lingering on your palate for hours afterward. Lovers of bitters will enjoy it; everyone else will cough as if having just taken a hit of smog from a bong. But mark my words: a shot of Maraska will soothe whatever ails ya. Good job, Mr. Hi-Time–but what liqueur should I try next?

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2 Replies to “Maraska Pelinkovac, Our Drink of the Week!”

  1. Love the idea o what you are accomplishing at OC. I am going to try the Pelikivac because I have been to Croatia. I am going to order the Empanadas because I have been to Argentina and other SA countries. A dinner of memories for me.

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