Rick and Kay Warren Renew Wedding Vows, OC Register Doesn't Notice

Time was that Rick Warren would breathe, and the Orange County Register would devote a 20-part series to it. I kid–a bit. Fact is, as Purpose-DriverĀ® Rick and his Saddleback Church grew into the evangelical powerhouse it is today, the Reg tracked nearly every step, both the initiatives that warranted coverage and those that didn't. Fact was that more than a couple of editors and writers at the paper belonged to Saddleback, and gently, quietly pushed forĀ  Warren coverage in the paper.

But those days are long-gone.

Over the weekend, Saddleback Church held a much-hyped renewal of wedding vows for couples, one broadcast online and even involving Rick and his wife, Kay. Perfect type of event to gush about in the Reg, right?


Nope. Not a word from Grand Street. In fact, the only news organization that bothered to cover the event was the online Christian Post, which reported that thousands in attendance and online saw Rick and Kay renew their vows. It's the type of feel-good, easily digestible story that Reg readers lap up like so many cute-baby contests–but not a word from them.

Which leads to the disturbing question: if the Register doesn't even bother to do the easy anymore in religion coverage, will it even attempt the difficult? Let's hope not…

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