Meet Orange County Identity Thief Who Did Everything Wrong

Don't count Donald Andrew Anderson, a convicted thief and forger, as a genius.

While in custody on state charges inside the Orange County Jail in March 2010, Anderson made a telephone call to a man he thought was a fellow crook interested in buying stolen financial information.

Anderson may have been the last felon unaware that jail deputies record all telephone calls.


He also didn't know that the man he called actually worked as a confidential law enforcement informant.

Double oops.

In Dec. 2010, a federal grand jury indicted Anderson and two co-conspirators–Jonathan Scott Agajarian, already a convicted felon with a history of narcotics woes, and John Alexander Burnett–and charged them with several crimes including illegal possession of access devices.

The conspiracy sold complete financial information on individuals at a rate of $600 for 50 credit profiles, according to the indictment.

Agajarian, who was born in 1981, received a sentence of 33 months in prison.

Burnett, who was born in 1973, received a term of probation for three years.

This month, U.S. District Court Judge Dolly M. Gee gingerly wrist slapped Anderson, who was born in 1983, with a term of probation for two years.

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