OC Deputies Union Gives to Boston Victims, Reward Funds and Lobbies Sanchez to Boost Homeland Security Dollars for Local Agencies

The Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs (AOCDS) has contributed to a fund for victims of the Boston terror attacks and to the reward for the capture of whoever planted the bombs. But the Santa Ana-based AOCDS wants to loosen up even more funding, calling on Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove), a senior member of the Homeland Security Committee, to ensure the federal government's homeland security dollars continue to flow to local law enforcement.

The association gave $1,000 to the First Responders Fund, which was established by a coalition of Boston fire, police and emergency medical services unions to benefit the victims of Monday's bombing at the Boston Marathon, and another $1,000 toward the coalition's $50,000 reward for information leading to the capture and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the attack, reads a statement AOCDS emailed this afternoon.

The OC union's President Tom Dominguez has also contacted Tom Nee, president of the Boston Patrolmen's Association, to offer any additional support “to our brothers and sisters in Boston,” reads the statement.

Dominguez has obviously been working the phones, because he is also said to have contacted Sanchez and Rep. Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) about federal homeland security funds for local law enforcement.

Sanchez had issued a statement this morning in response to the Boston attack stating, “As a senior member of the Homeland Security Committee, I am committed to doing everything within my power to ensure that our intelligence and law enforcement community have the necessary tools to quickly find the responsible perpetrators who committed this act of terrorism.”

The AOCDS statement follows on the next page, with Sanchez's appearing on the page after that . . .

Deputies contribute to victims of Boston terrorist attack, reward for suspect
Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs urges federal government to continue providing homeland security funding for local law enforcement.

SANTA ANA, CA, April 16, 2013- No words exist to comfort the wounded and those whose loved ones paid the ultimate price on what should have been a day of accomplishment and celebration for so many on the streets of Boston yesterday. Images of smoke-choked streets and the battered and bloodied bodies of innocents shocked the American consciousness instantly back to the terrorist attacks of September 11.

Littered among the carnage once again was the fabric of America, strangers rushing to help strangers, firefighters and police officers rushing toward the billowing smoke and the injured as runners and spectators ran a new race – a race for their lives.

As the investigation continues into who carried out such a senseless and cowardly act, we are reminded that evil will always be overpowered by good, good which is embodied by the men and women of law enforcement who come together every day to protect all of us and ensure justice is served. The perpetrators will be identified and held responsible for this heinous act, but they are not alone in plotting to harm Americans on American soil. We must remain vigilant at all times.

“When you see so many cuts contemplated to Homeland Security and to local police coming from the federal government, this war against terrorism, this was against us, in many ways is more dangerous than prior to 9/11,” Rep. Peter King (R-NY) told CNN hours after Monday's bombings that killed three people, including an eight-year-old boy, and injured more than 140. “You pay a price for this. You pay a price and it's a deadly price.”

Tom Dominguez, president of the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs, has contacted the offices of U.S. Representative Ed Royce (R- Fullerton) and U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez (D-
Santa Ana) to encourage our local representatives to join other members of Congress and the U.S. House of Representatives to continue providing critical homeland security funding for local law enforcement.

“As we mourn the victims of this senseless act of violence, we are once again reminded that our way of life remains constantly in the crosshairs of those who wish us harm,” Dominguez said. “We must recommit ourselves to the fight against terrorism and never let our guard down.”

The Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs has pledged a $1,000 donation to the Boston's First Responders Fund, established by a coalition of Boston fire, police, and emergency medical services unions to benefit the victims of the April 15 bombing at the Boston Marathon.

AOCDS pledged an additional $1,000 the coalition's $50,000 reward information leading to the capture and conviction of the person or persons responsible for Monday's terrorist attack.

AOCDS President Tom Dominguez also contacted Tom Nee, president of Boston Patrolmen's Association, and offered any additional support to our brothers and sisters in Boston.

The Boston's First Responders Fund will be administered through the Boston Fire Fighters Credit Union, 60 Hallet Street, Dorchester, MA 02124. Checks and online donations are being accepted. For more information visit: www.bosfirecu.com or call 857-220-0133.



WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman
Loretta Sanchez (CA-46), senior member of the House Committee on
Homeland Security, released the following statement in response to the
bombings in Boston, Massachusetts, during the Boston Marathon.

“My thoughts and deepest prayers go out to all of those affected by the horrific tragedy in Boston,”
said Sanchez. “Boston's police force, emergency personnel,
and citizens who showed enormous bravery saved lives and prevented
further loss, and for their heroic efforts we are grateful.

is an act of extreme cowardice to attack a civilian event that unites
people of all background. But as always in our great country, when we
are faced with unthinkable tragedies,
we come together united. Our spirit cannot and will not be broken.

a senior member of the Homeland Security Committee, I am committed to
doing everything within my power to ensure that our intelligence and law
enforcement community have the
necessary tools to quickly find the responsible perpetrators who
committed this act of terrorism.”

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