Orange Coast Magazine Finally Finds Out Raising Chickens is Cool!

Few things annoy this wab more than activities long ridiculed by people because Mexicans do them suddenly becoming hip once non-Mexicans join in. Taco trucks? Now Twittering near you! Goat meat? Now progressive to eat! Growing food in your front yard? Just joining the Slow Food movement!

Orange Coast Magazine has just hopped on the bandwagon with the latest craze: raising chickens. Too bad they're just about a decade late to the trend.


The story's not up yet, but the latest issue of Orange Coast features an essay by occasional Weekly contributor (and longtime Los Angeles Times reporter) Janet Wilson about the joys of raising chickens. It's a nice piece with a lot of good tips (except the part about not having a rooster: if you have neighbors that don't appreciate these beauties, you have bad neighbors) with pictures of the pretty gals, but why run it now? Because it's trendy right now…or, is it?

The mainstream media has been reporting on the urban/suburban chicken-raising phenomenon for nearly a decade–I know this, because I wrote one long ago, and we all laughed when the Times soon followed. Welcome to the trend, Orange Coast–you know you're hip when you beat OC Metro to something!

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