Nigel Tufnel Day: Next Year, All the Way to 11

A big thank you to all the veterans out there for preserving our freedom to be silly. It's November 11, and there's a movement afoot on Facebook to declare this day next year, 11/11/11, as Nigel Tufnel Day. Exactly how does one celebrate that day, especially on the food front?

If you're going to sit around all night with your dwarf friends and your 18-inch Stonehenge replica, you'll eventually need something to eat. Preferably something organic grown by the women at the sex farm, like foil-roasted zucchini. And a tray of cold cut sandwiches on pieces of miniature bread. No, that might be a complete catastrophe.

For dessert: bun cakes. Anyone got a recipe? Tell us your ideas, readers, so middle-aged guys can sit around next year and properly celebrate the genius-level idiocy that is This is Spinal Tap.

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