The Natives are Getting Restless

Remember how congenial the OC GOP gathering at the Hyatt Regency Irvine seemed a few minutes ago?

Fuck that shit.

Election-loss testiness reared its ugly head at 10:20 p.m., our R. Scott Moxley reports from the scene.

As the giant TV screen showing CNN flashed pictures of presumed California winners Arnold Schwarzenegger (governor), Tom McClintock (lieutenant governor) and Steve Poizner (insurance commissioner), Young Republican types yelped with respectful cheers. But they filled the hall with loud, long and hostile booing when the images of Dianne Feinstein (U.S. senator), Jerry Brown (attorney general) and Art Torres (California Democratic Party chairman) appeared on the same screen.

Can you say, temper tantrum?

It was such a juvenile display they should have taken a cue from the baby Asian boy, perhaps 2 years old, who provided the sight of the night: sitting quietly in a stroller and decked out in a dark suit and tie, his future now cast. Just keep him away from Mark Foley, for God's sake.

Surprisingly (or not), the Young Republicans talked little of politics at this hour, instead yammering on about their jobs and the girls they'd like to bang–in between voluminous gulps of the hard liquor flowing like the Great Mississippi.

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