TBN's Paul and Matt Crouch: God Kills Those Who Come Against Them

You gentle readers know what Godwin's Law is: the longer an online debate ensues, the likelier that someone will make a Hitler analogy to bolster an argument. 

May I coin the phrase “Crouch's Law”? The harder someone fights against the Trinity Broadcasting Network and its abhorrent teachings, sheep fleecing and bad haircuts, the likelier that its founding family will call down God's wrath on the offending soul. 
Video after the jump . . .


On TBN's “Behind the Scenes” program, recorded in early February, Paul Crouch and his son Matt warned the world that
anyone who takes the “minsitry” to task pretty much has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. 

“You know what's funny dad?” Matt said. “There have been a few attempts in the TBN history to upset TBN, to stop TBN.
There have been a few fools in the 38, 39 year history, coming up on 40 years. And you know what? Any attempt at stopping TBN,
they have no idea who they're actually pushing into the corner. You and mom get pushed in a corner, God help you. That's a lesson I've learned from you. Seriously.” 
Oh brother. Paul, in a scrappin' mood, followed that WWE-esque promo with this gem: 
“God help anyone who would try to get in the way of TBN, which was God's plan,” Paul said. “I have attended the funeral of at least two people who tried.” 
Of course, they aren't the only preachers who believe God will smite dissenters. Chuck Smith once threatened a Calvary Chapel abuse survivor. From the pulpit.
But what's got the Crouches in kill-mode?
A web of lawsuits involving Crouch granddaughter Brittany Koper, a former executive for Trinity,
who has accused the company of illegally funnelling more than $50 million in charitable assets to its board of directors. 
Koper alleges that she and her husband were fired in September after she reported the alleged financial misdeeds.
Matt, a director at Trinity, started tapping a gun he had brought to a meeting, and asked Koper what she thought would
happen when she wrote a memo to Trinity executives critical of the alleged financial misconduct, according to the lawsuit: 
“Matthew Crouch continued tapping the gun he was holding to ensure that Ms. Koper recognized the lethal threat being made.”
Matt Crouch, God's henchman?

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