
Photo by Mark SavageTwo years ago, we followed Costa Mesa pop band Supernova to Austin, Texas, and wrote about their experiences at the South by Southwest Music Convention, where they handed out a lot of tin foil and played a packed industry show. Things really seemed to be on the way up for the band.

Things always seem that way, though. No, really, they do. And then, like that couple that says they're going to break up but then has sex but then says it doesn't mean anything but then gets back together but then breaks up again but still has fuckloads of sex, Supernova thought about throwing in the towel but then said they were still together but wait, maybe they should quit, but no, wait, let's stay together, but no, it's over, but no, it's not.

These days, when not playing in the band but also not not playing in the band, the three musicians forge ahead with their adult lives. Singer/bassist Art Mitchelle lives in Houston with his wife and two kids; drummer David Collins attends law school and lives in Newport Beach with his wife and two kids; and guitarist Jodey Lawrence, who's starting a new band, lives in Costa Mesa and works in the loan industry.

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