'Showing 95-Year-Old Old Dick Isnt a Pretty Sight'

Letters may be edited for clarity and length. E-mail to le*****@oc******.com, or send to Letters to the Editor, c/oOC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Or fax to (714) 550-5908.

As an avid football fan, I can say that 99 percent of all Raider “fans” I have ever encountered have been true, 24-karat assholes; brash, mouthy, posturing and, more often than not, confrontational. I think all the outstanding citizens you guys profiled last week were at church Sunday at game time [Matt Coker's “Silver and Black Like Me,” Sept. 23]. My usual Sunday morning football haunt downtown was overrun today with obnoxious, leering Raider “fans” who, despite watching their team drop to a pathetic 0-3, still had to stick around and fuck with every other team's fans. Oakland is more than welcome to keep their shitty team as well as their jackass fans.

Huntington Beach

Whizzing on the electric fence or storefront is tacky, rude and shows how fresh over the border said Mexican pissers are [Gustavo Arellano's “Ask a Mexican!” Sept. 23]. It's not about the lack of pee pots in Santa Ana, it's about respect for one's city. This is sad because there are a lot of proud Santa Anans, and to have this behavior “approved” of lends to the stigma attached to Mexicans everywhere. Where are the prideful guys with clothes so creased it's nearly impossible to pass gas? Pride, be it Mexican or whatever, starts with the example you show. Showing 95-year-old old dick isn't a pretty sight.

Lenny Cota

I am an old white woman who has lived in Santa Fe Springs, Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach for the past 15 years, and I have seen so many young guys pee in public that I can't begin to count them all. And except for the one small Mexican toddler in Santa Fe Springs, all of them were white! They would pee on everything, anywhere and at any time. Just two weeks ago, I saw seven white guys pile out of an SUV, run to various storefronts in the shopping center and pee all over them. It was disgusting.

Costa Mesa

Re: Nick Schou's “Gracious” [Sept. 16]: I spoke with Nick Schou on Monday, Sept. 12, after I returned from vacation. I had already e-mailed Schou late on Friday, Sept. 9 (because of the time difference) asking him if it was “okay” if we waited to talk on Monday. Despite my attempts to correct Schou's false assumptions, his article was misleading and inaccurate. As I told Schou, Rackauckas never made the campaign promise that “he'd go easy on political corruption.” Regarding the case involving [Huntington Beach Council Member Pam] Houchen, I told Schou that it is common for different agencies to take the lead on a prosecution, depending on who had the best cause of action and the likelihood of obtaining the greatest penalty. I cited a hypothetical where a gang member caught with a firearm may receive stiffer punishment being prosecuted by either the U.S. Attorney's office or the district attorney's office depending on the circumstance. (For example, the gang member is a third striker who will get 25 years to life in state court versus less time in federal court.) The U.S. Attorney was not acting graciously, just being honest. As to the Arnel case, after the attorney general took the case, they did not personally name [Arnel CEO George] Argyros on the civil, consumer action. Furthermore, their negotiated settlement was not more favorable than the one negotiated between the parties by the district attorney's office. It was interesting, however, that Schou called the former ambassador Rackauckas' “pal,” for being one of the many donors who gave to Rackauckas' campaign. Schou also freely quoted critic Shirley Grindle but completely omitted the fact that she gave a $1,000 contribution to Rackauckas' opponent in 2002. Schou also did not mention that Grindle is frustrated because she has filed many false and meritless complaints about Rackauckas to other agencies and they have not resulted in action against Rackauckas. The facts were left out and bias was left in. As to the prosecutions of priests (a topic Schou never brought up during our discussion), the Orange County district attorney's office has filed more molestation charges than any surrounding counties. I am confident that we have filed all cases that we could under the law. I challenged Schou to name any and all political cases that the Orange County district attorney refused to file or filed but prosecuted incompetently. I added that we would be happy to discuss such cases. Schou retorted, “I am the one asking the questions.” Apparently, he was unable to name specific cases. It seems that Schou had already written his story and refused to change the story based on the truth presented.

Susan Kang Schroeder
Deputy District Attorney

Editor responds: Because Schroeder's letter deserves a point-by-point response and because that response would take up so much room in this section as to require us to cut some Santa Ana pee letters—no way, Jose—we ask that you read our response in The County.

I thoroughly agree with Greg Stacy's assessment of Family Guy and American Dad [“All the Things That Make Us Laugh and Cry,” Sept. 16]. I've been a Family Guy fan since I first saw the show in 2000 and have been catching up on reruns now that I have access to cable again. Like Greg, I was also astonished at the cheap shots The Simpsons took at the show. My ladyfriend Jennifyr loves it too—especially the musical numbers—and asked me, “How do they get away with this?” I shrugged and said, “It's an animated show, so no one takes it seriously.” May such selective inattention continue.

Andrew Williams
Via e-mail

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