Mother Jones: Arte Moreno One of the Least-Asshole Owners in Baseball!

While your Anaheim Angels underachieve through yet another season of overpriced, over-the-hill free agents (what the hell is this: the early 1990s of Von Hays and Hubie Brooks), Halos fans can take solace in at least one victory for their team: Mother Jones has deemed Arte Moreno one of the least-asshole owners in baseball.

The awesome lefty rag has recently gotten into covering sports, unearthing great stories of intrigue and outrage, but their recent story “Is Your Team's Owner a Major League Asshole?” was nothing more than glorious, well-informed listicle clickbait, complete with graphic. And Moreno fared well.

While noting that Moreno donated $100,000 to the 2012 Mitt Romney campaign, Mother Jones wrote that ” Moreno's worst move as an owner was his insistence on giving his team its clunky new, multi-city moniker. But in his defense, nothing says “don't be evil” like lowering the price of beer.” To further illustrate their point, the piece placed the Angels right next to “Fair”–the farthest placement for any team.

But this article was written without knowledge of Moreno's Aztlanista roots–so maybe Moreno is the most leftist owner in sports? Nah…anyhoo, be happy, Angels fans!

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