Karl Rove Comes to Nixon Library; Will the Glitteratti Follow?

Those attending tonight's Karl Rove blab-a-thon at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda may detect twinkles in the eye or from the teeth of the guest of honor.

But the source may not be his happy demeanor or extra-white choppers. It could be leftover residue from Rove getting glittered by gays earlier this month.

No, that's not a euphemism.

“Turd Blossom,” as he was known to his boss George W. Bush, was at an Oct. 7 gathering of the Minnesota Faith and Freedom Coalition, doing what he'll be doing at the Dick: pimping his new book The Satanic Verses: A Life.

Check that: it's titled Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight

Anyway, as the video below shows, a fellow who claimed to be getting a copy of the tome signed for his dad whipped out a box of Triscuits, shook a spray of glittery confetti inside and doused the Fox Newsbot while shouting, “Feel the rainbow!”

Now, I'm not suggesting those who line up in the Nixon Library's East Room to get books signed after Rove's 7 p.m. chat should pull a similar stunt. But if you do, please have a pal shoot video and send me a link so I can blog that, too.

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