Hey, You! Baby On Boat

Your family boarded the boat to Catalina late on a chilly morning, after the majority of the interior seats were taken. At first, you left an older woman on her own in one of the last seats on the lower level. Then, another family member joined her. The second woman was feeling seasick, and other family members periodically came to comfort and soothe her. All this time, no one paid much attention to the stroller parked, just one of its wheels locked, with the others like it. But then someone thought to check in on the contents behind a blanket, which was secured in place by the legs of a portable baby swing. There was a baby in there! A BABY! This mama of two struggles with the idea of leaving her elementary-aged children largely unattended—much less on a boat crowded with strangers. Let's hope you all paid more attention to that baby once you were on the island.

Email anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations—changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent—to le*****@oc******.com.

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