Donald Trump’s Treasury Pick Tim Mnuchin Name Checks Octomom

Donald Trump’s Treasury secretary nominee Tim Mnuchin said at his confirmation hearing Thursday that his bank’s “most troubling” foreclosure involved “Octomom” Nadya Suleman, the single mother of 14 who lost her La Habra home in June 2012.

The mere re-introduction of the word “Octomom” into the national lexicon immediately made it a trending topic on Twitter.

OneWest, which Mnuchin formed to purchase what was left of subprime lender Indy Mac from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in 2009 following the country’s massive financial crisis, was the bank that foreclosed on Octomom’s former pad, much to the delight of neighbors who were tired of the debris and satellite TV trucks the place attracted.

“The most troubling loan was actually to the Octomom and we worked very, very hard … to move her to another home,” Mnuchin said while addressing the practice of offering subprime loans, which critics accused OneWest of pushing.

Suleman and her brood later surfaced in Palmdale, where Los Angeles County officials would soon prosecute her for welfare fraud because she drew assistance without disclosing the thousands of dollars she earned as a porn star, before landing in Orange.

The Mnuchin did manage to draw more mainstream news attention to Nads than she could in September, when she announced she was “killing” her Octomom persona to “save” her life—something that did get a lot of play in the gossip press.

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