A Modest Proposal for the OC Hispanic Bar Association: Bar Pedo-Protecting Bishop Cirilo Flores

Wow, is the Orange County Hispanic Bar Association's annual celebration this year turning out to be a farce. I wrote earlier about the group's decision to hold the event at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel, a place whose workers have labored without a contract for some time, and how also crossing the picket line is Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis. Now comes word that Diocese of Orange Bishop Cirilo Flores is scheduled to attend the event as well–he has it on his public calendar.

I criticized the OCHBA last year for holding a reception in Flores' honor, a reception for a man who knew much about pedophile priests terrorizing Orange County parishes but did nothing to bring the perverts to justice. But tell you what, OCHBA: I'll take back all my venom flung at ustedes if you bar Flores from attending. If you publicly stand up and denounce one of our raza for coddling pedophiles and child abusers for decades. If you do what so many Mexis–especially rich ones–are loathe to do: criticize the pendejos who run the Diocese of Orange.

Ah, who am I kidding–Orange Bishop Tod D. Brown fires Mater Dei's boys' basketball coach Gary McKnight before the OCHBA criticizes the Church. Another batch of potential donors blinded to the church's pedo-protecting reality–heckuva job, Brownie!

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