Something Corporate Play Surprise Set at Bamboozle Left 2006

There's been plenty of talk about the revival of Orange County alt-pop act Something Corporate since it was announced back in December that they would be headlining the Bamboozle California festival's second and final day on March 28. Obviously, it's a big deal for their fans, many of whom haven't seen the band perform since 2004. So this whole brouhaha over their much anticipated set is kinda new and exciting. Well, definitely exciting…but not quite new. Remember back in 2006 when the festival was still called Bamboozle Left? 


If you were there, you probably remember Something Corporate shocking the audience at the main stage with a surprise reunion set at the Cal Poly Pomona Athletic Field. Needless to say, unsuspecting fans (including the person holding the camera for this video) were shitting their pants with glee. Check out this full clip of the band's popular tear-jerker, “Konstantine.” You can definitely feel the love between front man Andrew McMahon, guitarist Josh Partington, bassist Kevin “Clutch” Page and drummer Brian Ireland. Nothing corporate about it. There are better clips of the concert out there but this was one of the few that didn't say “embedding disabled by request.” That actually does seem kinda corporate. 

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