LA Records' Music Editor Has a Naked Scene in Cacophony Documentary (Presumably)

If you recall, last week news blogger Matt Coker wrote that Vicky Baxter, executive director of Downtown Incorporated of Santa Ana, received a call from Homeland Security asking the Santa Ana Art Walk and Cacophony Society to explain themselves (!) before giving them the go ahead to display their work.

Coker describes the Cacophony Society thusly:  “The Cacophony Society began in 1986 as a spin-off of San
Francisco's Suicide Club, describes itself as 'a randomly gathered
network of free spirits united in the pursuit of experiences beyond the
pale of mainstream society.'” In other words, it's all Burning Man fodder.

L.A. Records' music editor Dan Collins has fond memories of these events, and talked about them yesterday, after he found a naked vision of himself on the big screen as part of Jon Alloway's Cacophony Society documentary Into the Zone: the Story of the Cacophony Society.

Collins says in his numbered list:

3. I expected to see a young version of myself in a jumpsuit at the
“Yard Sale of the Damned” I helped with in 2000 or so. I did NOT expect
to see myself naked, 24 feet high, on a huge screen in Santa Ana,
playing “strip dreidel” (which like so many of Cacophony's great ideas
has now entered the mainstream) at Jew Night 2000.

4. I'm kind of shocked at how young and lithe and attractive my naked body was at age 23. I looked good!

5. Hmm … maybe that wasn't me.

And there you have it. The real reason Homeland Security was so concerned about last weekend's Santa Ana Art Walk.

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