Gettin’ Made: Makin’ Resolutions

As you're planning your list of New Year's resolutions, keep in mind that the chances you'll actually follow through with them are slim to bupkiss. In denial? The make a stop at Etsy to pick up some handmade goodies that will help you stay on track at least through February.

After the jump, more indie crafts for the well-intentioned New Year's do-gooder.

I love the idea of bringing these coasters to a New Year's Eve party and not writing down any resolutions on them until everyone's good and drunk. The next day, after everyone's sobered up, partygoers would read what was jotted down and have a good laugh. The first person who had passed out at the party would then have to carry out the worst resolution written on a coaster.

If your idea of a good New Year's time is losing weight, pick up some of these nutrition and activity logs to help keep you honest. And if you fall of the healthy eating wagon in a week, don't worry–these will make great paper airplanes to throw at joggers that run by your place every morning.

Are you a serial resolution-maker, listing the same plans every year but never quite sticking to it? Maybe pick up an art print to help remind you that this time, this time, you really will stop punching hobos on your way to the bus stop.

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