Gettin' Made: Bring on the Easter Candy!

I'm not going to lie to you… as I was scouring Etsy looking for great examples of delicious Easter candy made by folks like you and me, I became obsessed with the bowl of candy that sits pretty much untouched in our kitchen. That bowl of candy now sits right next to me as I type. Because if there's one thing I love more than puppies, it's CANDY. Let's take a look at some handmade Easter candy finds!

File these chocolate coveredĀ OreosĀ under “How Do They Do That?!” – I am so curious to know how that perfect design gets printed on the cookies! It's important to note, I worked at River Street Sweets candy store in Savannah, Geogia during college, and chocolate covered Oreos are pretty much heaven.

After the jump, get ready to drool over some more spring candy finds.


A fresh take on the classic marshmallow chicks and bunnies, these chocolate sandwich cookies are supersweet!

Oh… Oh my. Brownies covered in frosting on a stick? Yes, please! And these are decorated so sweetly as well!

The folks at The Candy Apple Tree make all kinds of different colored candy apples – I was particularly drawn to this blue cotton candy flavor! A new spin on an old favorite!

Another great update on an old classic! Take one chocolate bunny, cross it with a trip to Hot Topic, and you get a black chocolate rabbit with silver spikes going down its back!

Etsy's got alternative dining lifestyles covered, too! If you've chosen an animal-friendly vegan diet, don't miss these vegan chocolate bunnies from Sweet V Confections!

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