Double-Dipping: Seven More Snappy Scott Pilgrim Exchanges and an Interactive Video

At the risk of belaboring the point​, I freakin' loved Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, so I am revisting a previous column and adding more snappy witticisms from that fine film.  
I made the mistake in the other post of using the few available quotes on IMDB, most of which were taken from the trailer. If I had waited, there were many more the film's fervent fans would–and have–posted.


So here are a few more (as well as the wave-of-the-future interactive trailer that reader “Greg” mentioned and that I had wholly ignored first time around) embedded below.

1) Ramona V: Flowers: This is good garlic bread. 
    Scott Pilgrim: Yeah, I think garlic bread would have to be my favourite all-time food. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly, without stopping. 

7)   Young Neil: He punched the highlights out of her hair! 

2 Replies to “Double-Dipping: Seven More Snappy Scott Pilgrim Exchanges and an Interactive Video”

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