Climate Scientists Turn to Making a Rap Video

On the very serious issue of global warming, people in the United
States are straight chillin', more so than in previous years. A Gallup poll last
month revealed a 10 percent drop in
the number of survey respondents in the U.S. who said that global warming was a
“somewhat” or “very” serious threat.

This is no doubt applicable, in
part, to the phenomenon books such as Climate Cover-Up by James Hoggan
outline in terms of how powerful self-interest groups turn a scientific
consensus into a debatable issue in the media. But part of the problem, according to scientist-turned-author Randy Olson, is the way the folks in those white coats communicate their message to the public.

So what's a climate scientist to do? Drop a rap song and video? Hungry Beast, an Australian television program, had a group of them do just that. The end result was the Beastie Boys-flavored “I'm a Climate Scientist,” released last week. Racking up the YouTube views, the nerdcore hip-hop track is pure peer-reviewed braggadocio dissing global-warming deniers in the mix.

I don't know if the sometimes clunky and often cheesy “I'm a Climate Scientist” can turn around the ship of fools, but utilizing hip-hop as a means of communication for the message of climate science is definitely worthwhile. The big dogs have to be recruited for future efforts, though. Case in point: Imagine if Snoop Dogg himself got in on the act and introduced the remix!

This is your boy Snoop Dogg here to say that the Earth is gonna sizzle fo shizzle my nizzle if we don't drastically cut our carbon emizzles!

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