Bee Gone

he news of continually disappearing bee colonies in the United States should strike fear in everyone's hearts. One-third of our food supply-fruits, vegetables, even nuts-relies on honey-bee pollination. That means no pears, no raspberries, no strawberries-and fewer ice-cream flavors (!) and higher prices (!!!) Häagen-Dazs has spearheaded a honey-bee-disappearance campaign with the launch of a new flavor, Vanilla Honey Bee. Part of the sales go toward funding research into the bee-colony-collapse disorder (CCD), which has been linked to a mysterious virus. The ice-cream company claims the sometimes-pesky insects are responsible for ingredients that define 40 percent of all natural ice creams, including their own. Stop into a Häagen-Dazs location near you this Tuesday to try a free scoop of Vanilla Honey Bee and pick up a pint or two to take home-it's all for the bees, right?
Tue., May 13, 4-8 p.m., 2008

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